School Codes



All tuition in this school will be presented from a Christian point of view. Assembly takes place once a week in the school hall.

Sensitivity will be exercised towards other faiths and religions. Any parent who has an objection to this/her child taking part in any Christian activity may apply in writing that he/she be excused. Any aspects not specified in this policy will be in accordance with the relevant legislation.




The Hamlet School's medium of tuition will be English and/or Afrikaans. Any aspects not specified in this policy will be in accordance with the relevant legislation.




1.  Learners undertake to treat educators and visitors with respect.

2.  Learners must undertake to respect school property at all times and to conduct themselves responsibly when using the school's facilities.      Parents/guardians could be held responsible for any intentional willful loss or damage to property.

3.  Classroom and workshop rules and regulations must be adhered to at all times in order not to put oneself or any other person's life in      danger.

4.  School uniforms must be worn with pride. Learners must adhere to the prescribed school uniform.

5.  Bus Rules:

     a)  Learners may not eat or drink on the bus;
     b)  No learner may stand up or walk around whilst the bus in in motion;
     c)  No toys and/or dangerous objects may be taken onto the bus;
     d)  No school or any other bags may be opened on the bus;
     e)  No objects may be thrown from the bus;
      f)  No undesirable signs may be shown to motorist or any other person;
     g)  No foul language, bullying, provocation or racism will be permitted whilst on the bus;
     h)  Under no circumstances may be bus driver be distracted. This will endanger everyone's life;
      i)  Learners may not touch or alter any controls within the bus;
      j)  In the event of the busses being damaged by a learner, the parent will be required to pay the full cost.

6.  Conduct during school hours;

     a)  Dangerous weapons, stone throwing or playing with sticks are forbidden;
     b)  Chewing gum is forbidden;
     c)  Learners are not allowed to bring any items of value to the school, e.g. radios, TV games, tapes, etc;
     d)  No pornographic material, knives, firearms or catapults are allowed at school;
     e)  Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are prohibited;
      f)  No foul language, bullying or provocation will be permitted whilst on the bus;
     g)  Educators may not be threatened or intimidated;
     h)  No learner may leave the classroom without permission from the educator or the minder.

7.  Policy regarding the prevention of and dealing with alcohol and drug/abuse within the school

     a)  The school's view with regarding to drug and alcohol abuse it that it is a harmful and unacceptable practice. The school will           encourage and propogate a drug and alcohol free environment. The school will at all times try to accommodate and assist a learner           without jeopardizing this or her school career.
     b)  Parents/guardians and learners accept that a learner's person or his/her belongings can be searched at anytime by an educator           without the consent of the parent/guardian.
     c)  Two ways that learners would be treated who use/abuse drugs and alcohol are:

          i) Disciplinary action and/or
         ii) Rehabilitation
     d)  It is deemed a criminal offence for any learner to be involved with drugs. If a learner is suspected of dealing, carrying or abusing           drugs or alcohol, the matter will be investigated by the school and, if necessary the school could refer the matter to SANAB (South           African Narcotics Bureau), thereafter appropriate legal action will be taken.
     e)  In case of a learner not accepting the guidance and assistance that the school provides, the learner could be temporarily suspended.           This could also lead to permanent suspension.

8.  A parent/guardian's responsibility regarding the Code of Conduct

     a)  Parents and/or guardians are ultimately responsible for their child's behaviour. Parents and/or guardians are expected to support the           school in enforcing the Code of Conduct and that they will accept responsibility for any misconduct by the learner.
     b)  Communication books between educator and parent/guardian should be checked daily.

9.  Guidelines for the consideration of Governing Bodies in adopting a Code of Conduct for learners: "Notice 776 of 1998". Prevention, pro-      active advice, counseling, penalties and corrective measures:

     a)  In case of minor offences, corrective measures may be applied. These measures could include one or more of the following.
          i)   Verbal or written warning by an educator or principal;
          ii)   Performing tasks that would assist the offended person;
          iii)   Agreed affordable compensation;
          iv)   Replacement of damaged property, and
          v)   Suspension from school activates, e.g. sport, cultural activities.

     b)  Suspension should only be considered every afford has been made to correct the behaviour of the learner.
10. Offences that may lead to suspension
     Provincial regulations must be consulted in the compilation of a list of offences that may lead to the suspension of a learner. Offences      that may lead to such suspension include, but are not limited to, the following:

     a)  Conduct which endangers the safety and violates the rights of others;

     b)  Possession, threat of use of a dangerous weapon;
     c)  Possession, use or transmission of visible evidence of narcotic or unauthorized drugs, alcohol or intoxicants of any kind;
     d)  Fighting, assault or battery;
     e)  Immoral behaviour or profanity;
      f)  Falsely identifying oneself;
     g)  Harmful graffiti, hate speech, sexism, racism;
     h)  Theft or possession of stolen property;
      i)  Unlawful action, vandalism or destroying or defacing school property;
      j)  Disrespect, objectionable behaviour and verbal abuse directed at educators or other school employees or learners;
     k)  Repeated violation of the school rules or Code of Conduct;
      l)  Criminal and oppressive behaviour such as rape and gender based harassment;

11. Suspension and expulsion
     a)  A governing body may, after a fair hearing, suspend any learner who has been found guilty of contravening stipulations of the Code           of Conduct.
          i)  For a period of one week, or
         ii)  For a reasonable period not exceeding one week, pending a decision by the head of department on the recommendation of the               governing body as to whether or not the learner is to be expelled from the school.
     b)  A learner who has been expelled, or his/her parent, may appeal against the decision of the Head of Department to the member of the           Executive Council, within seven days of the decision to expel him/her.

     c)  In cause of a disciplinary transfer, the Head of Department must find a school place for a learner until the learner is beyond           compulsory school-going age, as the right of a basic education cannot be violated.




     The Hamlet School uniform is supplied by: Ganis, 206 Lang Road, Newlands, Johannesburg (011 477 4689)

     Please take note:  All the blue and grey items are available at suppliers in your area. Only the culottes, grey pullovers and Dri Mac's will      be available for sale at the school.

     Summer                                                   Winter
     Grey shorts of long trousers                   Grey long trousers
     Blue short sleeved shirt                          Blue long sleeved shirt
     Grey pullover                                          Grey jersey
     Grey long socks                                      Navy blue Dri Mac
     Black shoes                                            Grey long socks
                                                                    Black shoes
     Summer                                                  Winter
     Checkered culottes                                Grey long trousers
     Blue short sleeved shirt                         Blue long sleeved shirt
     Grey pullover                                         Grey jersey
     White socks or grey long socks             Navy Blue Dri Mac
     Black shoes                                           Grey long socks
                                                                   Black shoes

     Only wristwatches and signet rings are allowed.
     Girls may wear small earrings/buttons (1 per ear).
     Boy are not permitted to wear any jewellery except for a wristwatch.
     The school cannot be held responsible for any loss.

     Long hair must be tied back.
     Blue and white accessories may be worn. (Not out of the ordinary accessories.)
     Hair may not be markedly coloured/bleached.

     HAIR - BOYS
     Hair must be worn short and neat.

     Boys with beards must be cleanly shaven.
     Nails must be kept clean and short.
     Girls may wear clear nail varnish.
     No make-up may be worn